CSV Export Templates allow customization of data exported as a CSV file for Computers, Expirations and Plugin Results. Templates can be created and edited by administrators and employees, and are accessible to all users.
Accessing CSV Export Templates
An administrator or employee can manage CSV Templates by navigating to Reports> CSV Exports.
The list of available CSV Export Templates will be displayed.
CSV Export Templates are available from the Export CSV menu throughout your dashboard, when viewing computers or a group.
Creating a CSV Export Template
Navigate to Reports> CSV Exports and click the Add CSV Template menu. Select the export type of Computer, Expiration or Plugin Result from the list.
You can optionally, select New CSV Template from the Export CSV menu. The CSV Template Editor will open in a new window.
In Template Setup, give the Export Template a Name and optionally change the Export Type.
Under the Columns to Export, you can select the individual data columns you would like in the export.
Optionally, click Select All / Clear All, to select all data columns or clear your selection, respectively.
Once you have selected the columns to export, click the Save button below the column listing.
Editing a CSV Export Template
Navigate to Reports> CSV Exports and click the Edit button for the template.
You can also click the pencil next to the template from the Export CSV menu in your Dashboard to edit the CSV Export Template.
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