Maintenance boot disk verification

Gruntwork's Boot Disk Verification will issue a warning if the boot disk failed disk verification and needs repair. This alert will clear on the next Watchman Monitoring check in if we were able to repair in single user mode.
If Gruntwork is unable to repair the disk, all maintenance is stopped. Visiting the maintenance details will provide additional information on the issue and allow for a boot disk verification and overide the stop.
Gruntwork's Boot Disk Verification will provide an alert if the system is waiting to boot into single user mode to attempt repair but has not done so yet.
Attempt Volume Structure Repair - Triggers a one-time event where Mac-MSP will attempt to repair corrupted volume structures on the next logout. The box will uncheck when set.
If FileVault 2 is active on the system, Gruntwork will not reboot the machine. Gruntwork halts and will ask the user to restart so they may enter their password after reboot.
Boot disk volume repair is not available in macOS Sierra 10.12.
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