Create a Custom Field</p> <p>
Launch the LANrev Admin.
From the Window Menu, choose Server Center (Command Shift D).
Select Custom Fields at the top.
Use the Gear menu to create a new field from the action menu.
Set the field name to WatchmanStatus.
Set the Field Type to Dynamic.
Set Data type to String.
Uncheck "Execute only when sending full inventory".
Uncheck "Return execution errors as a result".
Uncheck "Replace line feeds with spaces in result data".
Check "Automatically assign to all computers".
Set the toggle to Macintosh.
The data source is Unix Shell Script.
Text is:
if [ -f /Library/MonitoringClient/Utilities/ExportStatus ]; then /Library/MonitoringClient/Utilities/ExportStatus; fi
The Command line options field can be left blank.
Execute as "System account user".
Save All Changes to the Server.
Close the Server Center Window.
Create a Smart Group
From the Window Menu, choose Computers (Command 1).
Smart Group Name "WatchmanErrors"
Contains records which match All the following conditions
Enter "WatchmanStatus" Contains "Warning"
Set the Execute Script Options

Commands - Execute Scripts
Unix Shell Script
/Library/MonitoringClient/Utilities/ExportStatus -v
Then click options
DescriptionWatchman Status Report
Schedule: immediate
Repeat every 1 hour
Not Wake up computer
Defer task if target computer is not available
Only add to command history in case of error
Save Template As:Watchman Status Report
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