Computers can optionally be marked as Archived. Archived computers are excluded from the Daily Missing Report, and are not displayed in lists. Computers will automatically become active the next time they check in with the monitoring server.
Archiving a Computer
From the Actions menu, select Archive Computer.

An archived computer will display a banner noting that This Computer Record is Archived.

Accessing Archived Computers
Archived computers will not be displayed on lists or appear on the daily missing report.
You can locate Archived Computers in several ways.
Group Archived Computers
When viewing a Computer Group, you will see an Archived() button. Clicking this button will show the computers that are archived within the group.

Search for Archived Computers
Navigate to all Computer Records.

Click the Search button (1) and build your search criteria of Status (2) is Archived (3). Add any additional criteria, and click Search (4).

This search will display all archived records.
Bulk Editing Computer Records
You can Archive a number of computer records by performing a search and using the Bulk Actions menu.
Perform a search and/or select the computers you would like to Archive.
The Bulk Actions menu will enable.

Click the Bulk Actions menu and select Edit Settings...

In the Hide/Archive Computer section, select Archive Computer from the dropdown menu.

Click Save to save the new settings for all computers.

Un Archiving Computers
Computers will automatically un-archive upon the next check in. If you would like to manually un-archive a computer so that it appears in the Daily Missing Computer Report, simply locate the computer record, and click the Un-Archive link in the banner.

You can also section the Actions menu > Un-Archive Computer.

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