Four levels of permissions are available to users of the Watchman Monitoring Server Dashboard.
- Owner
- Admin
- Employee
- Client/End User
Specific permissions are given to each user role based upon the following chart:
User Permissions
The Owner role is automatically granted to the email address of the person who created the Watchman Monitoring account. The role of Owner can be re-assigned to any other Admin account. The Owner has access to all Client Groups and can restrict the visibility of specific Client Groups to Employees.
Admin Users have all functional access to the Watchman Monitoring account, except billing information. Admin Users have access to all Client Groups and can restrict the visibility of specific Client Groups to Employees. Billing access can be granted by the Owner.
Employee Users are designed for Subscribers to have an option to hide specific Client Groups from a user. Employee Users can have specific Client Groups restricted from view. Employees do not have access to the Settings page. Employee Users can optionally edit the Contact Menu. Billing access can be granted by the Owner.
End Users or Client Users are designed to grant access for your end user(s) to their Client Group on the Watchman Monitoring Server interface. End users are assigned a specific Client Group to view.
Although adding your end-users to your account is supported, it is not recommended.
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