Reports the amount of free space and the total capacity of the boot or root drive. Warnings are sent when the drive reaches allowed capacity.
By default, the Monitoring Client warns when a boot or root drive reached 90% of its capacity.
Adjusting Boot Volume Capacity Alerting.
From the Monitoring Client Preference Pane's General tab, select the allowed boot drive capacity.
Disabling the checkbox will stop drive capacity reports.
Adjust Root Volume Capacity Warning via Command Line
Replace 90
with percentage Threshold between 1 and 99.
sudo defaults write /Library/MonitoringClient/PluginSupport/check_root_capacity_settings Root_Warn_Level -int 90
Changes with iCloud drive in macOS 10.12 and greater
Apple displays available drive capacity in a number of places:
- Status Bar in the Finder (View menu > Show Status Bar)
- Finder preferences set to show hard drives on the Desktop, enable Show Item Info from the View Options panel.
- Select your drive from the Desktop and choose File menu > Get Info (Command-I)
- Apple menu > About This Mac and click the Storage tab
- Activate Siri and ask how much free space you have.
Beginning with macOS Sierra (macOS 10.12), Apple includes total actually free space to the amount of purgeable space. This total is what is displayed on your Mac as the amount of free space on disk.
If a hard drive has 42.0 GB of free space and 21.6GB of purgeable space, the Monitoring Client see the 51.3GB free of free space, although macOS Sierra, reports in the user interface as 73.9GB free.
The finder's Get Info window is padding this with the amount it could purge to make room for new data. That's the 31.62 GB "purgeable" value.
To minimize false positive, disable iCloud drive or set the Volume Monitoring Threshold value to 95%.
Adjusting Volume Monitoring Capacity Threshold
From the Monitoring Client Control Panel's General tab, select the Monitor checkbox and set the Full Threshold.
Adjusting Root Capacity Threshold via Command Line
For a 64 bit OS, replace 90
with percentage Threshold between 1 and 99.
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MonitoringClient\Plugins\volumes /v SystemDrives /f /d [{\"Label\":\"C:\\\\\",\"Monitored\":true,\"ThresholdInt\":90,\"ThresholdString\":\"90%\",\"AlertIfMissing\":false,\"Description\":\"\",\"BitlockerEncrypted\":false,\"WarnIfUnlocked\":false}]
For a 32 bit OS, replace 90
with percentage Threshold between 1 and 99.
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\MonitoringClient\Plugins\volumes /v SystemDrives /f /d [{\"Label\":\"C:\\\\\",\"Monitored\":true,\"ThresholdInt\":90,\"ThresholdString\":\"90%\",\"AlertIfMissing\":false,\"Description\":\"\",\"BitlockerEncrypted\":false,\"WarnIfUnlocked\":false}]
Command must be run using an elevated command prompt. To open an elevated command prompt, locate Command Prompt, right-click and select Run as administrator.
The example command above affects the threshold warning for the root drive and will remove non-default thresholds and Bitlocker settings for other drives.
Adjust Root Capacity Threshold using PowerShell
PowerShell requires the following altered command:
REG ADD HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\MonitoringClient\Plugins\volumes /v SystemDrives /f /d '[{\"Label\":\"C:\\\\\",\"Monitored\":true,\"ThresholdInt\":90,\"ThresholdString\":\"90%\",\"AlertIfMissing\":false,\"Description\":\"\",\"BitlockerEncrypted\":false,\"WarnIfUnlocked\":false}]'
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