The Self-Enrollment option allows users to download a customized installer without the need for an Enrollment code. When used with your own form, the Self-Enrollment process allows you to design your own enrollment form (and optional paywall) and define the Groups your end users' computers will report to.
1. Enabling Self-Enrollment
To enable the Self-Enrollment URL, visit the Enrollment Options section of the Installers page on your dashboard.

Click on the Self-Enrollment tab.

Click Enable codeless Self-Enrollment and Save Changes.

To ensure codeless Self-Enrollment forms are only accesed from your web site, you can whitelist your domain. Click Restrict Self-Enrollment to Trusted Domains, enter at least one domain, and click Save.

2. Set up Redemption Website
Self-Enrollment eliminates the requirement for Enrollment codes. These generate signed, payload-free packages always install the latest version, and use the email address as the Group by default. Groups can also be assigned.
Here are a few ways to use the redemption system:
2.1. Watchman Monitoring's Hosted Redemption form
A hosted redemption form. No setup required, minimal branding from Watchman Monitoring. View your hosted form
- Ideal for testing self-enrollment.
- Does not require an Enrollment Code.
- Automatically creates Groups based on email address.
- Redemption does not require login.
The hosted redemption form can be found at the above link or:

2.2. Embedded On Your Site
Focus on your brand by adding this to a page on your site.
- Create a landing page in your current site (Wordpress, Joomla, etc).
- Add text to inform your end-users how to redeem and what to expect.
- Visit your code redemption page to get the customized code to embed the redemption iFrame on your website
<iframe id="enrollment-embed" src="" width="550" height="550" frameborder="0"></iframe>

2.2.1. Passing values to iFrame
<iframe id="enrollment-embed" src="" width="550" height="550" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<script>var params =; document.getElementById('enrollment-embed').src = ''+ params;</script>
The above Javascript will allow you to pass parameters to your iframe embedded redemption form.
Adding &submit=true will automatically submit the form, if all of the fields are provided values.
When redeemed, a new Note will be created for the computer with the name and email address entered upon redemption.
Packages are built on demand and require time to be notarized. The timing until Apple notarizes the installer can result in a warning dialog when the user installs the package before notarization is complete. Presently, if the user waits and then attempts installation a few minutes later, the notarization check will complete and installation will complete without issue.
3. Implementing an Enrollment Form or Paywall
3.1. Gravity Forms
3.1.1. Create a New Form
The following instructions will help you build an Enrollment Form for your web site. Once your client completes the form, they will be redirected to their customized installer.

Add a New Form using Gravity Forms.

Give your Form a Title and Description.

Create a Form with a minimum of First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. Add a payment method to this form to obtain payment as part of the submission.

Navigate to Settings > Confirmations. Option 1: Confirmation Text (iFrame Required)
- Give your Confirmation a Name such as Self-Enroll.
- Leave the Confirmation Type as Text.
- Change the Message editor from Visual to Text.
- Select the option to Disable Auto-fomatting.
- Use the Advanced Embedded Javascript Code:
<script src=""></script>
<script id="MonitoringClientEmbed" type="text/javascript">
try{ Enrollment.embed({
subdomain: "YOURSUBDOMAINHERE", // Required. Watchman Monitoring Subdomain
enrollment: "self-enroll", // Required.
width: 550, // Optional. Defaults to 550
height: 550, // Optional. Defaults to 550
prefill: { // Optional. firstname, lastname, email, group
firstname: "GRAVITYFORMFIRSTNAME", // Required for autosubmit.
lastname: "GRAVITYFORMLASTNAME", // Required for autosubmit.
email: "GRAVITYFORMEMAIL" // Required for autosubmit.
autosubmit: true, // Boolean, Using "true" requires the prefill array.
Your subdomain is the first part of your Monitoring Client URL, highlighted in red below: Option 2: Confirmation Redirect to Your Hosted Form

Give your Confirmation a Name such as Self-Enroll.
Change the Confirmation Type to Redirect.
Set the Redirect URL to https://{{yourdomain}}.com/our-enroll-page
Select Pass Field Data Via Query String
Build the Redirect Query String:
Embed the Watchman Monitoring iFrame on your site using the steps above. Option 3: Confirmation Redirect to Watchman Monitoring's Hosted Form

Give your Confirmation a Name such as Self-Enroll.
Change the Confirmation Type to Redirect.
Set the Redirect URL to https://{{yoursubdomain}}
Select Pass Field Data Via Query String
Build the Redirect Query String:
3.1.2. Add a Page to your Web Site

Add a new page to your website, or add the Form to an existing page.

Click the Add Form button to add the Gravity Form to your Page.

Select your form from the drop-down, and optionally display the form title and/or description. Click Insert Form.

Example Enrollment Form.

Once successfully submitted, the redirect will begin Building the Installer.

Once the build is complete, your client can download their installer.
3.2. Wufoo Forms
3.2.1. Create New Form

Add a new form by clicking the + New Form button.

From the Fancy Pants form options, select Name and Email at a minimum.

Youe enrollment form should look similar to this. Feel free to add any additional fields and/or payment options.
3.2.2. Form Settings

Click on Form Settings.

Select the Redirect to Website option.

Click on Template Tags link to display the field IDs.

Wufoo fields are accessed using the Field Data variable {entry:Field#}
Replace # with the API ID of the field.
Your redirection URL will look similar to{entry:Field1}lastname={entry:Field2}email={entry:Field3}autosubmit=true

Insert your redirection URL.
Embed the Watchman Monitoring iFrame on your site using the steps above.

Save your form and either embed or link to it on your web site.
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