Watchman Monitoring supports alternate TIme Machine schedulers. Other Time Machine schedulers may require manually enabling Time Machine reporting.
Supported Time Machine Schedulers
By default, if Time Machine is disabled in the PreferencePane of any given computer, Time Machine reporting is disabled on that Mac. However, this is in conflict with the setup of alternate scheduling tools.
In addition to our own Time Machine scheduling, Watchman Monitoring has built in support for Time Machine Scheduler by Stefan Klieme, and Time Machine Editor.
When either of these products are installed, Time Machine reporting will occur as if Time Machine was enabled in its PreferencePane.
Manually Enabling Time Machine Reporting
To manually enable Time Machine reporting when using other schedulers:
- Open the PreferencePane
- Click the Settings tab
- Check the box next to Always report the status of Time Machine Backups.
Related Article: Enable Time Machine to Schedule Automatic Daily Backups
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