Watchman Monitoring offers subscribers inventory features including Demographic Information, Asset ID, Reference Email, Computer Record Description, and CSV Exports. This article provides an overview of the Dashboard Features to assist your inventory needs.
Demographic Information
A Computer Record contains a number of demographic details that prove useful for inventory purposes, including the Serial Number, OS Version, Configuration (Boot Drive Capacity, Boot Drive Usage, Installed RAM, Model, Processor), Estimated Age, and more. Demographic details are automatically collected by the Monitoring Client.
Asset ID
The Asset ID field can be set in the Dashboard for each Monitoring Client record, exported as part of the CSV, and searched upon in the Search Omni-box.
Reference Email
Reference Email Addresses, set in the Dashboard for each Monitoring Client record or group, allow you to associate a contact email address for a Computer or an entire Group of computers.
Computer Record Description
The Computer Record Description can be set in the Dashboard for each Monitoring Client record. The Computer Record Description can be used computer location information, purchase details, and more.
CSV Inventory
From the Computers in your Dashboard, use a Saved Search or use your own search criteria. From the Export CSV menu, export a Full Detail CSV Export, or create and use a CSV Export Template for Inventoried items.
Download an example CSV report here: Watchman Monitoring Sample Inventory Report.csv
AppleCare status information fields are included, but an active GSX account is currently required to determine warranty status.
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