Watchman Monitoring can be installed with AutoPkg and AutoPkgr. Autopkg can be used to gather and prepare software for deployment with tools by Jamf, FileWave, Heat, and the Munki project. The following article will review setting override for the recipe along with setting defaults before installation.
Autopkg Recipes
Autopkg uses recipes to download and intall or update an application or package.

Autopkg can be used to gather and prepare software for deployment with tools by Jamf, FileWave, Heat, and the Munki project.
Each software package requires a Recipe. Search AutoPkgr or copy this link the monitoringclient recipe:
To use these recipes, the SUBDOMAIN value must be set using an override. Create an override for SUBDOMAIN manually, or download a pre-configured override file.
Override files should be saved in the Autopkg Overrides folder: ~/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeOverrides/
We recommend a pre-installation script to configure the Group. Visit our Github repo watchmanmonitoring-recipes for more information.
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