Occasionally there is a rare circumstance when the Preference Pane is unable to read plists. When this is discovered, we will display a ReasonCode 415 in the Preference Pane.

In the rare circumstance when the Preference Pane is unable to read plists, we will display a Reason Code 415 in the Preference Pane. You will be prompted to relaunch the Preference Pane. Relaunching prompts our agent to attempt to auto-heal permissions and xml formatting of plists.
If the Error persists after relaunching the Preference Pane, moving /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount.plist
to the desktop will allow the Preference Pane to write out a corrected version of the plist.
Permalink: https://www.watchmanmonitoring.com/reasoncode-415
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