Reduce repeated warnings with Watchman Monitoring's muting system.
Monitored computers report their status hourly. When a report is received with a new warning, Watchman Monitoring's servers automatically generate a warning. Warnings for existing issues are limited to once per 24 hours by the server.
Muting a specific issue instructs the server to skip the daily warning for a specific issue.
The server will continue to record status reports while an issue is muted. Current information will always be available on the computer's client record in the server interface.
Why is Muting helpful?
Muting known issues allows support staff to focus on each warning as a new, important issue to address.
Consider muting when:
- an appointment has been made to correct a detected issue
- if the computer or its owner are unreachable, i.e. on vacation
- if the computer's owner chooses not to address an issue
For quick access to muting preferences on the server interface, an edit-client link is included in all emailed warnings.
How To Mute a Plugin
From the dashboard

Quick Mute

Selecting a quick mute will mute the selected plugin for either 7 or 30 days
All Muting Options

- Ignore Plugin - Will ignore all results from this plugin forever
- Mute until - Select a date to mute this plugin until
Muting Multiple Plugin Results at the Same Time

By searching on the plugin results page, you can easily mute multiple plugins and computers at the same time.

By Email

- View History - Takes you to the Dashboard page with the complete history for the plugin (login required)
- Mute for 7 or 30 days - quick link to mute for 7 or 30 days (no login required)
Viewing Muted Plugins on the Dashboard
On the Computer Overview

The Computer Overview lists the total number of muted plugins for that computer.
Clicking on the Muted Plugin Overview will bring you to the muted plugin's results.
Viewing a Computer's Plugin Results

When viewing a plugin that is muted, you will notice a clock symbol so you can quickly see that a plugin is muted.
Viewing a Muted Plugin's History

When viewing a muted plugin, the plugin will show that it is muted and the date until it will be muted.
Searching For Muted and Ignored Plugins
The Plugin Results page of the Dashboard has a search feature to allow you to easily view Plugins
Search for Muted or Ignored Plugins

The Plugin Mute State Search field allows you to quickly view plugins that are:
- Muted
- Not Muted
- Ignored
- Muted by a Ticketing System
- Timed Muted
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