The following steps will help you discover the name and location of various plugin settings within the plugin plists.
Discovering Plugin Settings
Navigate to /Library/MonitoringClient/PluginSupport and drag a copy of the plist to the Desktop. In this example, we are going to explore the Crashplan Client Settings.
Unlock the Monitoring Client Preference Pane.
Click the disclosure triangle next to the plugin we would like to discover settings.
Make changes to the plugin settings.
Open the copy of the settings plist you dragged to your Desktop in TextWrangler or BBEdit.
To force a plist to open with TextWrangler, Right-click on the plist > Open With >
Open the original plist from /Library/MonitoringClient/PluginSupport in TextWrangler or BBEdit.
In TextWrangler, both plist windows will be layered.
In TextWrangler, from the Search menu, select Compare Two Front Windows.
Review the Nonmatching Lines.
Notice the variable change of <integer>3</integer> for the key <key>Completed_Days_Until_Warn</key>.
We can translate this into the following defaults command:
sudo defaults write /Library/MonitoringClient/PluginSupport/check_crashplan_client_settings.plist Completed_Days_Until_Warn -int 3
You can now distribute this setting to all of your Mac Monitoring Clients through a script or Apple Remote Desktop.
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